goctl model 為go-zero下的工具模塊中的組件之一,目前支持識別mysql ddl進行model層代碼生成,通過命令行或者idea插件(即將支持)可以有選擇地生成帶redis cache或者不帶redis cache的代碼邏輯。
$ goctl model mysql ddl -src="./*.sql" -dir="./sql/model" -c
├── usermodel.go
├── usermodel_gen.go
└── vars.go
$ goctl model mysql datasource -url="user:password@tcp(" -table="*" -dir="./model"
// Code generated by goctl. DO NOT EDIT!
package model
import (
var (
userFieldNames = builder.RawFieldNames(&User{})
userRows = strings.Join(userFieldNames, ",")
userRowsExpectAutoSet = strings.Join(stringx.Remove(userFieldNames, "`id`", "`create_time`", "`update_time`"), ",")
userRowsWithPlaceHolder = strings.Join(stringx.Remove(userFieldNames, "`id`", "`create_time`", "`update_time`"), "=?,") + "=?"
cacheUserIdPrefix = "cache:user:id:"
cacheUserNumberPrefix = "cache:user:number:"
type (
userModel interface {
Insert(ctx context.Context, data *User) (sql.Result, error)
FindOne(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*User, error)
FindOneByNumber(ctx context.Context, number string) (*User, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, data *User) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
defaultUserModel struct {
table string
User struct {
Id int64 `db:"id"`
Number string `db:"number"` // 學號
Name string `db:"name"` // 用戶名稱
Password string `db:"password"` // 用戶密碼
Gender string `db:"gender"` // 男|女|未公開
CreateTime time.Time `db:"create_time"`
UpdateTime time.Time `db:"update_time"`
func newUserModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn, c cache.CacheConf) *defaultUserModel {
return &defaultUserModel{
CachedConn: sqlc.NewConn(conn, c),
table: "`user`",
func (m *defaultUserModel) Insert(ctx context.Context, data *User) (sql.Result, error) {
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, data.Id)
userNumberKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNumberPrefix, data.Number)
ret, err := m.ExecCtx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("insert into %s (%s) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", m.table, userRowsExpectAutoSet)
return conn.ExecCtx(ctx, query, data.Number, data.Name, data.Password, data.Gender)
}, userIdKey, userNumberKey)
return ret, err
func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOne(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*User, error) {
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, id)
var resp User
err := m.QueryRowCtx(ctx, &resp, userIdKey, func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v interface{}) error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `id` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
return conn.QueryRowCtx(ctx, v, query, id)
switch err {
case nil:
return &resp, nil
case sqlc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err
func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOneByNumber(ctx context.Context, number string) (*User, error) {
userNumberKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNumberPrefix, number)
var resp User
err := m.QueryRowIndexCtx(ctx, &resp, userNumberKey, m.formatPrimary, func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v interface{}) (i interface{}, e error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `number` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
if err := conn.QueryRowCtx(ctx, &resp, query, number); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Id, nil
}, m.queryPrimary)
switch err {
case nil:
return &resp, nil
case sqlc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err
func (m *defaultUserModel) Update(ctx context.Context, data *User) error {
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, data.Id)
userNumberKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNumberPrefix, data.Number)
_, err := m.ExecCtx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("update %s set %s where `id` = ?", m.table, userRowsWithPlaceHolder)
return conn.ExecCtx(ctx, query, data.Number, data.Name, data.Password, data.Gender, data.Id)
}, userIdKey, userNumberKey)
return err
func (m *defaultUserModel) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
data, err := m.FindOne(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, id)
userNumberKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNumberPrefix, data.Number)
_, err = m.ExecCtx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("delete from %s where `id` = ?", m.table)
return conn.ExecCtx(ctx, query, id)
}, userIdKey, userNumberKey)
return err
func (m *defaultUserModel) formatPrimary(primary interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, primary)
func (m *defaultUserModel) queryPrimary(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v, primary interface{}) error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `id` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
return conn.QueryRowCtx(ctx, v, query, primary)
func (m *defaultUserModel) tableName() string {
return m.table
package model
import (
var _ UserModel = (*customUserModel)(nil)
type (
// UserModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here,
// and implement the added methods in customUserModel.
UserModel interface {
customUserModel struct {
// NewUserModel returns a model for the database table.
func NewUserModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn, c cache.CacheConf) UserModel {
return &customUserModel{
defaultUserModel: newUserModel(conn, c),
$ goctl model mysql -h
goctl model mysql - generate mysql model"
goctl model mysql command [command options] [arguments...]
ddl generate mysql model from ddl"
datasource generate model from datasource"
--help, -h show help
我們默認用戶在建表時會創(chuàng)建createTime、updateTime字段(忽略大小寫、下劃線命名風格)且默認值均為CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,而updateTime支持ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,對于這兩個字段生成insert、update時會被移除,不在賦值范疇內(nèi),當然,如果你不需要這兩個字段那也無大礙。
goctl model mysql ddl - generate mysql model from ddl
goctl model mysql ddl [command options] [arguments...]
--src value, -s value the path or path globbing patterns of the ddl
--dir value, -d value the target dir
--style value the file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tree/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]
--cache, -c generate code with cache [optional]
--idea for idea plugin [optional]
--database value, --db value the name of database [optional]
--home value the goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
--remote value the remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
--branch value the branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
$ goctl model mysql datasource -h ? 13:40:46 羽106ms
goctl model mysql datasource - generate model from datasource
goctl model mysql datasource [command options] [arguments...]
--url value the data source of database,like "root:password@tcp("
--table value, -t value the table or table globbing patterns in the database
--cache, -c generate code with cache [optional]
--dir value, -d value the target dir
--style value the file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tree/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]
--idea for idea plugin [optional]
--home value the goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
--remote value the remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
--branch value the branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
mysql dataType | golang dataType | golang dataType(if null&&default null) |
bool | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
boolean | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
tinyint | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
smallint | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
mediumint | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
int | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
integer | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
bigint | int64 | sql.NullInt64 |
float | float64 | sql.NullFloat64 |
double | float64 | sql.NullFloat64 |
decimal | float64 | sql.NullFloat64 |
date | time.Time | sql.NullTime |
datetime | time.Time | sql.NullTime |
timestamp | time.Time | sql.NullTime |
time | string | sql.NullString |
year | time.Time | sql.NullInt64 |
char | string | sql.NullString |
varchar | string | sql.NullString |
binary | string | sql.NullString |
varbinary | string | sql.NullString |
tinytext | string | sql.NullString |
text | string | sql.NullString |
mediumtext | string | sql.NullString |
longtext | string | sql.NullString |
enum | string | sql.NullString |
set | string | sql.NullString |
json | string | sql.NullString |